In order to get your Planning Center Online (PCO) account connected to your ChurchCo website, you'll need to grab the API information. In this article, we'll show you step by step how to do that.
1. Select Planning Center in Add Ons & Integrations
Next, go to your The Church Co dashboard and find Planning Center in the Add Ons & Integrations tab. We've made it pretty easy to find.
2. Add Your Planning Center Information
Once you are in the PCO Add On, enter your PCO church ID. The church ID is the first part of your Church Center url. For example, if your url is, then just enter "yourchurch" in the Church ID box.
Then, click the "Authorize PCO Account". This will ask you to log in to your PCO account and authorize connecting your account to your website with The Church Co.
3. Copy Your Connection
You will be redirected to a page on our website that lists your connection. Copy these values into your website and click save.
You did it! Your website now has all it needs to communicate with PCO. Simply use the Page Builder to add Events and Groups blocks to the page and sync those blocks with PCO. If you ever decide to disconnect, you can do that from within your PCO account.