Adding a PDF

Uploading and linking to a PDF

Paul Cox avatar
Written by Paul Cox
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Upload the file to the site

First, upload your pdf to your Uploads folder by clicking Uploads on your dashboard.

Click "Add New" or drop the file into the library

Once uploaded, Find the URL and copy it. This is the address that links directly to the file.

Step 2: Linking to the File

The most common way to integrate the file into a page is to create a button that links to the file. you can also add it to your main navigation, here is more information.

Create a button

Edit the page and find the section you want to add the link to and click. "New Button"

Add the button text, select the Button Type "url"

Paste the link in the "button URL" field, and check the "new tab" box (optional)

Save the page to publish your changes.

When people click the link on the page. the file will open up in a new tab or will open in their PDF reader of choice.

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